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Printing Industry Exchange ( is pleased to have Steven Waxman writing and managing the Printing Industry Blog. As a printing consultant, Steven teaches corporations how to save money buying printing, brokers printing services, and teaches prepress techniques. Steven has been in the printing industry for thirty-three years working as a writer, editor, print buyer, photographer, graphic designer, art director, and production manager.

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The Printing Industry Exchange (PIE) staff are experienced individuals within the printing industry that are dedicated to helping and maintaining a high standard of ethics in this business. We are a privately owned company with principals in the business having a combined total of 103 years experience in the printing industry.

PIE's staff is here to help the print buyer find competitive pricing and the right printer to do their job, and also to help the printing companies increase their revenues by providing numerous leads they can quote on and potentially get new business.

This is a free service to the print buyer. All you do is find the appropriate bid request form, fill it out, and it is emailed out to the printing companies who do that type of printing work. The printers best qualified to do your job, will email you pricing and if you decide to print your job through one of these print vendors, you contact them directly.

We have kept the PIE system simple -- we get a monthly fee from the commercial printers who belong to our service. Once the bid request is submitted, all interactions are between the print buyers and the printers.

We are here to help, you can contact us by email at

Blog Articles for

Archive for the ‘Design’ Category

Custom Printing: A Few More Text-Design Tips

Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

Design Basics Index by Jim Krause has always given me food for thought regarding the fundamentals of effective publication design, including anything from posters to brochures. Since I’ve always considered it valuable to constantly practice the fundamentals of any craft, I get a lot of pleasure just dipping into this print book periodically, just to learn “one more thing.” (more…)

Custom Printing and Design: Contrast and the Element of Surprise

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015

Have you ever seen a printed photograph of a sunset, perhaps in a wall calendar, and wondered just how the printer got the sun to appear so bright? (more…)

Commercial Printing: Open Source Graphic Design Apps

Tuesday, July 29th, 2014

Throughout most of my 36-year career in graphic design, Apple Macintosh has been the gold standard for publication design. I have always been pleased with the software, from PageMaker to Quark to InDesign. But recent changes in pricing structure for Adobe applications such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign have potentially put these applications out of reach financially for a lot of people. They have gone from a one-time charge per application purchase (or for multiple applications in Creative Suite) to a subscription basis (per month/per year) of approximately $20 per month for one application or $50 per month for the entire design suite. (more…)

Custom Printing: Two Ways to Emphasize Design Elements

Saturday, July 26th, 2014

I’ve written a number of PIE Blog articles referencing Design Basics Index, an easy to use print book written for designers by Jim Krause. I find it a useful guide in my own creative work.

One topic that I noticed recently is how to emphasize various design elements on a page, or how to lead the reader’s eye through the design, clarifying which items are more important and which are less. Although this sounds controlling, it actually eases the reader’s anxiety, since he or she will know exactly what to read, in what order, to grasp the meaning of the piece, without needing to think. (more…)

Commercial Printing: Selecting Ink Colors for Design

Sunday, June 22nd, 2014

Color choice is a major tool in design for any printed or virtual image. Colors elicit emotion and give subtle clues as to the meaning of an ad, print book cover, poster, or website. (more…)

Custom Printing: Controlling Eye Flow Across the Gutter

Friday, June 20th, 2014

Since the house fire, I’ve been scouring thrift stores to rebuild my business library. Today I found a great print book for $2.00, used: Design Basics Index by Jim Krause.

I’ve always been a firm believer in fundamentals, the building blocks of any discipline, and this book delivers in spades on this front. You can jump in and out of the print book and learn something new or remember something you’d forgotten each time you open the cover. (more…)

Custom Printing: A Few Color and Type Design Tips

Friday, May 2nd, 2014

Here are some things to think about when designing commercial printing products in black and white and color:

Designing with Black and White Type on a Gray Screen

Picture two lines of type on a gray screen. Let’s say you’re designing a promotional flyer for an art museum. The first line of type is the name of the artist printed in a sans serif typeface. Let’s say you want to reverse it out of a 20 percent gray screen. The second line of type is the same size. Perhaps it is the title of the art exhibit. Let’s say you want to surprint it (print it in black) in a light serif face, for contrast, on the 20 percent gray screen. Above the name of the artist, you set some type in a much smaller type size (in black ink), and below the name, in white type (i.e., reverse type), you set a subtitle referring to the title of the art exhibit. (more…)

Book Printing: Multi-Column Page Design

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

A colleague of mine designs books for the World Bank on a freelance basis. They are essentially text books, reports, and such, but they do require a good amount of design acumen to make the print books attractive and to make them look consistent within a series. (more…)

Commercial Printing: How to Approach New Design Jobs

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

I received three design jobs today from a client of mine. I will be brokering the commercial printing as well as designing the artwork and producing the final, press-ready files. So, as a teaching tool, I’d like to share some of my thoughts as I approached the job today and created the first set of proofs. (more…)

Custom Printing: Controlling Eye Movement with Design

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

I read an article today called “Designing Your Email Around the Letter ‘F’” in the 5/16 MailerMailer Email Marketing Blog (a post written by Jean). (more…)


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Printing Industry Exchange, LLC, P.O. Box 394, Bluffton, SC 29910
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