When it comes to magazine printing, you can probably ignore most printing companies since they do not have the requisite expertise or tools to print quality magazines. There are several considerations to make when looking for the best magazine printing company. You need to find a printer who will bring your magazine to life. Do your research and find the right printers to compare quality issues. Below are some tips to help you select a printer.
- Choose a printer that Specializes in Magazine Publications
Some publication printers specialize in magazine printing and catalogs. Others have a more diversified clientele but have dedicated units for magazine publishing. Always choose any of the above two instead of a printer which has to learn the knick-knacks of magazine printing.
- Reconsider Magazine Specifications
Before you start looking for magazine printers, make sure you have the specifications of the magazine to be printed, ready. Think about the trim size, page counts, frequency of printing, circulation, and binding. This will help you find printers that can accommodate your needs. Going the other way around will lead you to make several changes to your file, which is a tedious and time-consuming process. The magazine should not accommodate the limitations of the printer, but the printer should accommodate the specifications of the magazine.
- Think Global
In a globalized world such as today, it is tomfoolery to assume that a printing plant needs to be located near your office. Even for regional publications, an out-of-town printer with good logistical support can be advantageous. Sometimes, it may even be more beneficial if your local printers do not offer the services you require. Instead of limiting yourself to the printing limitations, you can find a printer that satisfies your needs, even if they are located at a far-off place.
- Consider Paper
When you ask your printer about their prices, make sure to enquire about the quantity of paper they will be using for a print job. There can be significant differences between each printer that can affect the quality of your paper. Also, ask about paper alternatives, such as low-grade paper, if you want cost-cutting solutions. If the printer themselves supplies the paper, factor in the cost of paper into the total costs. If you supply your paper, make sure it is reflected in the final bill.
- Compare Costs not Prices
A simple printing contract will have many items included in it. There will be differences in individual pricing between the two printers. For instance, a printer might charge less for binding, while the other may make concessions for storage and shipping. The best way to get a sense of the total cost is to total all the costs of publishing an issue, from paper costs to mailing, storage, and shipping of copies. Include the value of services and the capacity of printers.
The decision to choose a printer shouldn’t necessarily be dependent on just the cost. Keep the quality of the magazine your top priority. Visit our website to get help in finding the best printer for your magazine. You will have access to printers from all over the world who will bid on your project, and you have the complete freedom to choose the printer you like the most.
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on Friday, April 1st, 2022 at 8:16 am and is filed under Magazine Printing.
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