A print brokering client of mine who is producing a graphic novel sent me a thumbnail-size layout of her print book a few days ago. The physical printing requirements of this 8.5” x 10.875” book, which will be produced on a heatset web press, were a lot easier to comprehend when all the pages were presented as a complete book, even in a small, low-resolution format. (more…)
Archive for January, 2015
Book, Magazine, and Catalog Printing: Printer Spreads
Friday, January 30th, 2015Book Printing: Determining Signature Configurations
Friday, January 23rd, 2015Within the last twenty-four hours two print brokering clients of mine made erroneous assumptions about press signatures within print books, and I made one as well. I’d like to share all of these with you so you will be better aware of how to determine press signature configurations. (more…)
Custom Printing: Thoughts on Using Photos Effectively
Saturday, January 17th, 2015I found a very simple and accessible book on design at a thrift store recently. It was written by Robin Williams and John Tollett, and it’s called Design Workshop. (more…)
Book Printing: Analyzing a Book Production Schedule
Tuesday, January 13th, 2015I just received the following schedule for a print book a brokering client of mine intends to produce. I think you might find it illuminating in your own print buying work, since it addresses some areas that could be confusing, or that you might inadvertently forget to consider. (more…)
Large Format Printing: A Scary Ouija Board Poster
Thursday, January 8th, 2015I was out at a movie theater installing a standee this week, a large flat-card (an approximately 5-feet by 8-feet image on an easel structure) promoting an upcoming film. On my way out of the theater, I noticed a table with stacks of small posters, presumably for moviegoers to take home. I thought this was a novel idea. I found one that appealed to me and brought a part of the “moviegoing experience” back to my home as well. (more…)
Custom Printing: A Case Study on Printing Paper
Friday, January 2nd, 2015A print brokering client of mine is producing a book. It will be 5.5” x 8.5” and perfect bound with French flaps. This client runs a small publishing house. Therefore, to make this print book consistent with others in my client’s series, I have specified Sebago IV 55# Antique finish, blue-white for the main text of the book. (more…)