I had a close call with a print brokering client recently, and it has made me doubly certain that US Postal updates are vital reading material and not spam. (more…)
Archive for July, 2013
Brochure Printing: No More Z-Fold Self-Mailers
Monday, July 29th, 2013Booklet Printing: Considering Options for Nested Booklets
Friday, July 26th, 2013When I receive bids for a print job, the pricing from the various custom printing suppliers usually falls within a narrow range. Some prices are lower, and some are higher, but it is unusual for one book printer to be twenty or thirty percent higher than all the others. If this happens, it is usually because of a miscommunication of some sort. (more…)
Brochure Printing: Revising Jobs from Prior Years
Wednesday, July 24th, 2013One of my print brokering clients is a designer. Last year she made one of her clients very happy with two self-mailers. I wrote about them last summer, and this year her client wants to update the two jobs without changing their format. (more…)
Custom Box Printing: Effective Toothpaste Carton Design
Monday, July 22nd, 2013My fiancee just brought home a toothpaste box, and I said, “Wow. I want that.” That’s effective marketing. It was a deep gut reaction based on an instant bond with the branding. It preceded any interaction with the product. In fact I haven’t tried the toothpaste yet, although I think I know how it will taste. (more…)
Book Printing: Thoughts on Creating Nested Booklets
Wednesday, July 17th, 2013A print brokering client of mine came to me with an idea for a marketing promotion. It involved custom printing a 7” x 10” booklet that included a smaller, 6” x 9” booklet tipped into the print book. (more…)
Custom Printing: Pad Printing for Irregular Surfaces
Thursday, July 4th, 2013A potential print brokering client of mine sells glasses and bottles of various colors with imprinted text and logos. She came to me looking for a source for metallic black drinking ware that was food safe. This is a good example of both industrial printing—metallic black pigment on food-safe plastic—and promotional item custom printing. (more…)
Digital Printing: Scodix Enhances Metallics and Textures
Monday, July 1st, 2013I did some research today after reading an article on Scodix in PackagingEurope (5/6/13). Scodix allows custom printing vendors to digitally print multiple metallic colors on a single press sheet, in one pass, without foil stamping or dies. Scodix also allows providers to offer variable density embossing and textures. All of this is digital, and any combination can be produced on the same commercial printing press sheet. (more…)